How ModAllergen Started - ModAllergen

How ModAllergen Started

Taking small steps, backed by science - ModAllergen tackles allergen introduction with care
Nutrition with Intention - Stress free with ModAllergen

As a pharmacist and a mum with a history of allergies in the family, I know all too well the anxiety and challenges that come with trying to keep our loved ones safe and healthy. My eldest had anaphylactic allergies to peanuts, sesame, dairy, and eggs. Every day was a tightrope walk to ensure she didn't come into contact with anything that might set off her allergies.

When I became pregnant with my second, I was determined to do everything I could to help prevent food allergies for him. Using my pharmacist knowledge, I poured countless hours into researching and learning about food allergies, how to manage them and how to best reduce the chances of developing them. 

As I began to research more about food allergies, I stumbled upon a ground breaking finding: the importance of introducing allergenic foods to babies between 4 to 12 months and . This was a stark contrast to the advice I received for my eldest, where medical professionals recommended delaying allergenic foods until after the first year. However, research has shown that early and frequent eating of allergenic foods before 12 months of age actually reduces the onset of food allergies. Australian health guidelines were eventually updated in 2020.

I was fascinated by my research, prompting me to look for products that will help with a safe and convenient allergen introduction for infants. However, I found that all baby foods on the market were all promoted as ‘allergen-free’.

That's when the entrepreneur in me saw an opportunity. I envisioned creating a line of products that catered to this crucial 4-12 month golden window. I dreamt of premium, organic, and convenient offerings tailor-made for this purpose. After relentless research and development, ModAllergen was born. This was especially dear to my heart as delayed introduction of allergenic foods have been proven to have a higher risk of developing food allergies just like for my eldest.

ModAllergen is more than just a product. It's a mission. Our products simplify the process for parents, allowing them to introduce babies to prevalent allergenic foods in a powdered format. The goal? Harness the benefits of early exposure, nurturing tolerance, and diminishing the odds of allergies manifesting later in life.

Starting my own company has been a challenging journey, but it's also been incredibly rewarding. I'm proud to be able to help other families like mine, and to provide them with the products and support they need to thrive. Allergenic food introduction can be overwhelming, but they don't have to be. With the right tools and resources, we can all live healthy, happy lives.

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